Paxton Scale RFID

The inbound and outbound scales at Paxton are getting RFID card readers installed prior to harvest. This will allow for a more accurate transaction for the drivers at the scale as it will eliminate some of the human error regarding farm ID’s and truck identification.

  • Each patron will be given one RFID card that will go in each vehicle you haul in with. One card for each vehicle. This card will be tied to each individual patron.
  • When you pull on the inbound scale, the card reader will identify you. There is a display screen that will identify customer name, farm ID and commodity. On your first load of a particular field, you will need to let the office staff know what farm ID you are hauling in on. The RFID system will recall the last information hauled in on until you change farm ID’s or commodity, at which point you will need to let the scale operator know the new information.
  • You will need to let the scale operator know when you change farm ID’s or commodity.
  • You will be weighed, probed and proceed to the dump pit.
  • When you pull on the outbound scale, you will be automatically weighed out, and a scale ticket will print for you.
  • Once the RFID system installation is complete, we will set up a time for you to stop in at Paxton and pick up your RFID cards to place in your vehicle and show you how the system works. You will need to get these cards in each of your vehicles prior to delivering grain to Paxton this fall.

We are hoping that this will improve the accuracy for load identification at the Paxton scale.

We will be sending out further information once everything is in place and ready to go.